Saturday, August 6, 2022

Grief- A Kneejerk reaction or a reasonable response


Grief- A kneejerk reaction or a reasonable response

Chaplain Horace Cutter, M. Div., BCPC

          Proverbs 15:13 “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.”

        It is very hard to ignore the person that you are.  The challenges that you face and joys lift you are all part of your own personal experience.  It is a common action in our world to try to ignore the grief, to push it down deep so that we can get along with life.  However, the grief is still there and lurks behind future experiences.  The psychological world calls this pushing down of emotions repression.  Pressing down the grief, breaks down the vitality of the spirit within.  Just for the record, I do believe that repressed joy can have adverse effects on a person also.  It is just part of being human.

      A person who suppresses the hard experiences of life will tend to be haunted by them in ways they cannot control and at times that they cannot maintain.   When ignored, repressed emotions can come back with a vengeance.   The best way to respond to the hard experiences of life is to reflect on them and make intentional changes to our life.   Those changes may be emotional, spiritual or physical.

       The first part of this proverb is the unclaimed jewel that many miss.  The heart that I merry is revealed on the face of the person who faces his/her ups and downs with help.  I do not believe that every event requires a trained professional; in fact, a close friend who will refrain from judging and prioritize listening can attend to most issues of emotional impact.   The love of a true friend can answer many of the hard tragedies of life.   A trained and licensed to counselor can help emotional/ psychological problems. 

          We sometimes think that ignoring the emotional weight of grief will solve the problem of grief.   This is a great error.  As complex persons with so many ways of adjusting to life and reacting to life, humans have certain ways of coping that automatically happen internally to maintain life.  Life is so powerful that it is not only the physical body that preserves and thrives to live but also life is psychological and emotional. 

Or Spiritual! 

          Although we live in this world, life is so hard to explain in simple terms.  Part of this complexity of life has to do with what we would call functions of the heart.  Not the heat muscle but the inner drive of a person.   To maintain this inner drive we must use mental instruments.   Just as the bodybuilder uses equipment to make each muscle stronger people should take on mental exercises to maintain their spirit and emotions. 

       So, how do you maintain a merry heart? 

    Good question! 1) Maintain healthy relationships.  Not just acquaintances but face to face friends who offer support by way of truth, affirmation and criticism.  We all could use a ‘Yes’ person at times but one person who offers these three aspects of relationship are worth their weight in gold.

        2) Humans must take note of where they are in life and what is important to them.  It is very hard to see another goal that could offer some place of respect, level of society or status but reflecting on experiences and future priorities will help save a lot of time.   

            3)  Find healthy physical and mental activities to perform regularly.  It is amazing how closely tied the body is with the soul.  Keeping each of them healthy is a sure way of having a merry heart.

      4)  Remember to laugh.  Not only laughing but also crying.  Expressing your emotions to without harm to others is a healthy way to continue being yourself.   This also relieves stress.

          Remember that the Great Creator made humans connected to the earth but superior to other animals.  This was not only to manage the earth but also to relate to the Creator in special ways.  The fact that people who have the image of God upon them implies so much more than just living and doing things.  

   God has given us life so that we could enjoy this life, enjoy His world, and Enjoy Him.    

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